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6 comments on “Follow My Blog

  1. Just finished reading “LOOSE ENDS” really enjoyed it. I am mostly into detective “SERIES” books where the same hero is used in future books.

    • Steve,

      Thanks for the kind words. I’m actually working on expanding Loose Ends into a full novel and I have half the sequel, In A Bind, finished. However, I have a sci-fi book to complete before I do those, as the sci-fi series is making me money and I’ll be trying to break in to the mystery-thriller market. I hope to have them out by the end of the year. Keep checking!



    • Chris,

      I hope to continue the series, but frankly my collaboration with BV Larson is selling a lot better. Because I’m a full-time Indie author and book sales have to support me and my family, I need to allot my time strategically. I’m also a bit burnt out on the series right now. For these reasons I set up the latest book so that it could continue, or not. Bottom line, I’m not certain. I’ll have to be inspired, or have a lot more fans like you urging me to write another one right away. I have other projects in the works that frankly I am more enthusiastic about.

      So bottom line? I’m not certain. I wish I could give you better news, but I’d rather be truthful. Sign up with Amazon’s notification bot, use the “follow this blog” button, and keep an eye out for my new books, is the best I can tell you.

      Thanks again for your support,

      Cheers and happy reading,


  2. I’m just finishing Star Force 11: Exile. I love the B. V. Larson series and I’m really looking forward to the next book. I haven’t found information on when Star Force 12 will be coming out. I assume you’re working on it with B.V. Can you let us know when it will be coming to Amazon? Thanks!

    BTW, since I found your website while looking for Star Force news, I downloaded the free Plague Wars books and I look forward to reading them. Again, Thanks!

    • Yes, we’re working on it. I can’t tell you exactly when it will come out, except we hope it’s soon. Certainly within the next three months, probably sooner. Hope Plague Wars and Stellar Conquest will tide you over until it comes out. Cheers! -Dave

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